Thursday, May 15, 2014

To See the Light

I saw this post on Pinterest earlier today. It says above "If you had the chance to kill yourself without hurting the ones you love would you?" and below "In a heartbeat." Underneath it a girl commented, "I wish I could." That caused me to stop and think. I can't claim to be someone who has a hell of a life and the only way out is suicide, but I know what it feels like for life to just be throwing continuous curve-balls in the middle of what feels like a never ending thunderstorm in a little boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee and to just wish I could give up, but know I can't because of the ones I love. For goodness sakes, life is tough, sometimes more often than not! But I also couldn't help but think and want to post: "Life is so hard sometimes and it's so easy and sometimes reasonable to want to give up and it's brave to keep going for those you love... but I think it's hard to see the light when all we think is how much we want to give up. idk... just a thought." That's what I was going to reply, but I must confess I am not very bold on the internet when it comes to these things. I'd rather talk to these people face to face, because each person is different and their needs are unique to who and where they are. Still, I just wanted to say to anyone out there struggling with life, self-harm, self-hate... Yes, life is tough. Yes, you are going through hard times. No, it's not time to give up. I promise you, even if you have to wait until eternity, the light is coming to those who are Children of the King.


Update: I read it to my sister - posting that sort of thing is more up her alley - and she told me to do it! So, figuring, what's the worst that could happen? I posted it.


  1. Lynsi, I just wanted to tell you that I loved this post! It was so encouraging to me! I've never thought to give up like that or anything, but I was having a difficult day and just dealing with some sad stuff, and your blog post just totally lifted my spirits! :) You're totally encouraging and awesome! I'm so blessed to be following you on Pinterest, and on Blogger. :) It's always wonderful to have friends who are strong Children of God. :) So thank you!

    1. and thank you! That means a lot to me! :D and I agree whole-heartedly! :D
