Friday, May 9, 2014


So this is fun! M.J. McKeel nominated me for the:

Liebster Award

*Applause* Haha... It is an honor and I am very grateful! :) Like her, I did not know anything about this until I was nominated by MJ McKeel. Her blog is: She's a wonderful person and not only does she has some exciting stories up on her blog, but she has awesome Pinterest boards you should check out! (
What is this award???? It is an award bloggers give to other bloggers, because we like to acknowledge eachother's awesomeness! It seems, Liebster means "sugar and spice and everything nice" in German? According to GoogleTranslate it means "Dearest" which works, too. According to another source, it means a whole bunch of nice things... so pretty much, sugar and spice and everything nice. :D
The rules are:
  • Thank and link back to the person who nominated you. (MJ McKeel:
  • List 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 9 bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers (you can’t nominate the blogger who nominated you).
  • Ask them 11 questions.
  • Let them know about the nomination.
Eleven facts:
  1. Lynsi Keye is my pen name.
  2. I have been homeschooled my whole life
  3. I used to be on swim team, but now I teach swim lessons at the YMCA - which is also my first job.
  4. I'm a part time geek/nerd... I love science, Sherlock, and socializing. Okay, so I stretched it a bit for the alliteration. I'm a mellow extrovert - so I like socializing, but I need my alone time, too.
  5. I love ASL and other languages.
  6. I love being in other cultures... even though it as often as not makes me feel like a fool and terribly awkward, I love being out of my comfort zone. Life's too short to have comfort zone limits!
  7. I am going for an MD, but that's so far in the future, it's hard to make definite plans.
  8. I love Jesus so much!
  9. I've wanted to be a writer since I was very young. I had a vivid imagination and would act out my stories and tell my siblings stories and now I take that imagination and try to turn it into words.
  10. Charles Dickens, Jane Austin, Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth Gaskell, and Mark Twain are my writing style inspirations.
  11. I'm an opportunist realist... and do my best to think through even the smallest things objectively.

The Questions!:
1: Who is your favorite actor/actress? I absolutely love Shirley Temple, Julie Andrews, Jeremy Brett, and Dick Van Dyke.
2: If you could travel to only one place for the rest of your life, where would it be? That's a tough one... I'd probably pray about it and ask God where is the place I'd be most useful in for that amount of consistency. I'd hope - but highly doubt - it would be El Porvinir (a huge beautiful forest Mid-US mountains with very few people for miles)
3: If you had a super-power, what would it be? Totally flying.
4: What is your favorite color? Purple or Blue
5: If you've done the Disney Princess personality quiz, who did you get? I have not... so I do not know.
6: If you could pick any pet to have, what would it be? Some exotic, wild animal, like a tiger or a hawk.
7: Period dramas, or Sci-fi action movies? Period dramas period.
8: What is your favorite thing to do in free time? I love to write... surf Pinterest... and sing with my siblings.
9: Which is your favorite: Facebook or Pinterest? PINTEREST!
10: Are you talkative or silent? Depends on where I am... to loud people I am quiet, to quiet people I am loud.
11: Lastly, what is your favorite verse? My favorite Bible verse - I assume that's the type of verse it means - is... probably Jeremiah 29:11 and Corinthians 13:13.

Alright, my questions:

1: How long have you been blogging?
2: What is your inspiration for blogging?
3: Who is your favorite actor/actress?
4: Favorite genre of book/movie?
5: What are your fandoms?
6: Do you have plans for adulthood?
7: Public, Private, Online, or homeschooled?
8: If you had a super power, what would it be?
9: What is your favorite Bible verse?
10: Favorite quote?
11: Favorite song?
12: And I'm out... whatever you want to say....

Bloggers I tag??? Below:

Mary-Jane Woody the famous creator of Pindred Spirits (Pinterest) and author Top Hats & Typewriters (check it out!):

Marie Raymond a fun, fangirling Pindred Spirit:

Abbie Boots the famous creator of "Hello You Wonderful People :)" (Pinterest) and a wonderful talent for writing!:

Willow and Darrion the fantastic and Pinterest famous authors of The Call, not to mention with a wonderful Pinterest page!:

Kiri Liz, who is the first pinner and blogger who made me realize the whole big wide world of writers I could meet on pinterest and blogspot/wordpress:

Sarah, who obviously has good taste considering she loves horses, writing stories, and pictures :D and she is also the first person to start reading my blog and make comments! (Thanks!!!!) She has an awesome blog called Sarah'Sword with images of her horses, best friend, memes and posts of quotes and a whole lot of other good stuff!:\

Olivia C., a writer I just found on Pinterest and blogspot today. She has an awesome story going that I am really excited to read! You should check it out!:

You guys all rock! Never stop writing! :D
(That's all the bloggers I know, right now.)


  1. Awwww, thanks so much for awarding me! If you don't mind, I'll answer your questions in comment. I'm already working on getting five awards posted at the moment:)

    1. I have been blogging for about two years
    2. I want to show others the love of Christ
    3.Richard Armitage, Dean O'Gorman, Aidan Turner, Tom Hiddleston
    4 middle earth type ere and medieval all the
    5. The Hobbit, LOTR, Thor 1-2, um...yea;)
    6. Not really, but I would really like to be and actress. I know that will probably never happen, but there's nothing wrong with imagining:) Plus, if you made a movie, you could get the Gospel out to basically the whole world!
    8. Fire!
    9. Luke 19:10
    10. Anything from Tolkienl;)
    11. Immanuel's Land
    12. I LOVE MIDDLE EARTH! Sorry, that was really random:) Well, that's a typical me=D

    1. Haha... that's fine. I looked up Luke 19:10, that's a beautiful verse. :)
