Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

 Abbie Boots from Yarns and Tales ( nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.
 Here are her questions... and since she already nominated everyone I know on blogger, I am not going to nominate anyone. 

1. If you could read only one book for the rest of your life, what book would you choose?
The Bible, of course. If not the Bible, it would be a tie between The Hobbit or The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

2. Who is your favorite author?
Oh, that's awful. I love CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien, but I also love Charles Dickens, Jane Austin, Charlotte Bronte, and Elizabeth Gaskell.
On a modern note, I also really like Clive Cussler (depending on what book).

3. What is your favorite genre of book to read?
Well, you can probably tell from my named authors. I like a unique mix of fantasy and realism, with action thrown in. Any genre that allows me to escape the real world to be prepared with philosophy, character, endurance, and ideals that will prepare me to face it again. Books with propaganda and underlying lying messages get me annoyed, because I can see right through them.

4. Who is your favorite actor?

I appreciate the talent of many actors and actresses. But if I had to name one, I couldn't. I can narrow it down to three, though. Dick Van Dyke, Julie Andrews, and Shirley Temple.
I am also increasingly falling in love with the talent of the cast of Arrow.

5. If you could meet anyone in all of history (deceased, living), who would it be?

I know, I know, cliche - but I really want to meet Jesus. I mean, I know I have a relationship with Him and all, but can you imagine meeting Him face to face? I know it will happen eventually, but I am not super patient. :P I should probably work on that.

6. Do you have a favorite music artist or song (musicals and composers count, too)?

I like this composer called Ludovico something. I don't know his last name. I love his piece Nuvole Bianche. Whenever I feel stressed, I listen to it and it calms me down.

7. (Because I liked this question) If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?
I would generally say flying or invisibility, but I am going to steal the answer from a guy in my senior class that I thought was absolutely genius. I'd like for my muscles to have the ability and strength to repeat anything I saw.

8. Do/Did you ever play an instrument, and if so, what?
Yes, I dabble in the piano, the violin, the guitar, and soon the Irish tin whistle, the recorder, the drums, and the ocarina.

9. If you could time travel (but only one time, round-trip), what event/time/person would you go see?

This is tough, I'd either go back to the nativity and stay for thirty years to watch Jesus grow up and pretty much stalk Him until He returns to heaven, or just go to see the nativity or crucifixion (the whole three days). Staying 30 years might be tough, however if it meant I could watch Jesus grow up and all that, I might be willing to rough it out no matter what.

10. Finally, what is your favorite dessert, and what kind/flavor/etc is it?
Ooh! I love vanilla ice cream with heath bar as a side to either brownies or a giant cookie cake with milk!

Thanks for reading and I hope you have an excellent day.
And guess what, I am actually going to tag someone. Sarah from Sara'sword!


  1. Hey, thanks for thinking of me:) I'll try to post my answers asap:) Sorry for not commenting in such a long time...I've been really busy and I mean...REALLY REALLY REALLY busy:) I hope to comment more often:)

    1. I understand that! I've barely had enough time to keep my posts up (I've actually fallen behind quite a bit.) I was wondering if you could tag me for the BOFA Q&A... I love The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. :)

    2. Go right ahead and participate:) I'm looking forward to seeing your answers:)
