Wednesday, February 18, 2015


"What do they know of darkness? What do they know of the choking blackness of the void? What do they know of isolation? Nothing. Nothing at all. "


I would like to note that Loki really doesn't have much to complain about. Many kids grow up in much worse and darker situations than he (think about child slave labor in Africa or child prostitution or kids raised into the hate of ISIS or Al-Qaeda before they know what's wrong and right.) I think those children have better excuse for this quote than Loki. Loki bought into hate, he wasn't raised in it.
So, I know a lot of people feel sorry for Loki and even love him, but I really can't get myself to (yes, I've tried). His little stunt in the first movie wasn't a biggy for me (though I was peeved over the lost lives, that was inexcusable) nor was even trying to get the throne - I mean, royal siblings are always trying to do that (not excusing it, either, but it wasn't the make or break it deal). Blaming sibling rivalry and favoritism for all the deaths and darkness he caused and that gruesome retrieval of an eye in the Avengers really did it in - for all the hurts in the world he's received, for all the lies he's believed, there is no excuse or understanding for that, except to say he has a victimized mentality, causing him to buy into a hate that he has no right to (not that anybody does, but especially not him.) There isn't an excuse for it, especially when some children who are raised in REAL darkness can come out better people than the most of us (not that they all do).
Anyway, that's my little rant. I really love the quote, though, it just doesn't sound right coming from Loki, it doesn't match. He is a great villain, though, and I do love him for that, but I could never root for him.

God bless and have a fantastic week!
- Lynsi


  1. Now that's one thing I don't agree with you...Loki is just misunderstood but I'm not going to quarrel because some people has different opinions:) But this doesn't make us less friends:)

    1. I guess what I am trying to say is that being misunderstood and even mistreated (Odin did not treat him the way he should have) isn't an excuse to kill and murder, even if he thinks he is doing what is right. (Think Hitler, he thought he was doing what was right, too - and think about what if one of those 82 people were part of your family or friend?). However, like you said, we all have different opinions. :) Good thing difference of opinions doesn't equal broken friendships; if it did, there would be no friendships in the world! lol... thanks for sharing your opinion, too. I appreciate it.

    2. Yeah, I would be a loner if that happened:)
