I was browsing the book-store very disappointed with the selection. All the stories seemed the same, if it wasn't vampires and werewolves it was tyrannical governments, that one special girl, and of course a guy. "Same-o, same-o," I turned to another girl browsing the shelves and asked, "What has happened to all the good stories these days?"
She looked at me with an odd look. I began to wonder if I had made a mistake in even talking to her when she seemed to finish sizing me up and said quickly:
"Oh, you don't know? Most of Good-Stories have been murdered. Their community was massacred years ago and only a few have survived. Now they live in hiding, some have turned or try to disguise their great plots beneath the bad-story rubble and get themselves published to give people a taste of Good-Stories again so maybe we'll want them again. The rest stay hidden behind closed doors or published on blogs here and there by talented but unheard of young writers who have not yet been turned by the agenda of the world. While Bad-Stories and horrible, same-o, same-o plot stories run rampant, the Good-Stories plot in secret to take back what is theirs. See, Good-Stories know that stories are meant to allow the reader to escape reality while inspiring them to be ready to face it again with integrity and bravery. They reflect reality in one way or another. Stories that don't do that, whether they mean to or not, distort reality for the reader, effecting society. That's what's happened. Luckily Bad-Stories may have a present-time advantage, they always do, but Good-Stories have the advantage of time. Bad-Stories come and go, for the most part, but Good-Stories grow stronger with time. Unfortunately their treasures, the secrets to Good-Writing, have been
all but stolen, so many not Good-Stories have the power of the legendary
Good-Stories and are affecting society. For the time being society are happy with the not-so-epic stories because their reality is distorted and they like it, but eventually reality will catch up with them, and Good-Story Telling, Good-Stories, Good-Plots, and all of their community will make their come-back. At this moment, their agents are are planning a way to counteract the onslaught. Sadly, they are a bit stumped, especially with their secrets stolen. Hopefully time will turn the tides, soon. When they do, we'll be ready."
I stared at her blankly. She suddenly looked awkward. "Well then," I said with a grin, "so will I!"
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