
Monday, December 28, 2015

Star Wars VII: Who is Rey?

*Spoilers!* - You have been warned.

So, this last week I have seen Star Wars VII twice. I think it went well, considering I was expecting something terrible. I love Finn and I love Rey and I love Poe... and, well, I love just about everybody

First off, when Poe "died," I leaned over to my sister and whispered, "Never believe it unless they show you a body." I now amend that statement and say, "a body... or them dying." Because I've heard people try to explain that Han may still be alive. I want Han to be alive. I love Han and nearly cried when he died, and if he's alive, great! But we saw the lightsaber go through his stomach and through his back (which alone would kill him), then fall down a great height (which alone would kill him), into the core of something that then exploded (which alone would kill him). Han Solo, I am afraid, is dead.

Now, on to who is Rey. I have not read the extended universe nor am I really up with all the theories - but this is what I have come to think.
At first I supposed Rey to be completely unrelated, but since almost no one is ever unrelated to anyone, options had to be explored.
Is she Han's daughter? I bought this one for maybe a day, but too much doesn't match. One, in the flash back, she is old enough to remember something, like what her parents look like. Two, the way Han acted just didn't match up. Han searched the universe for the Millennium Falcon. I think that he would always keep tabs on his daughter or at least always keep an eye out for her. It's the father in him. He wouldn't be so neutral - neither would Leia, for that matter. Second, Kylo Ren (Ben) would know she was his sister the same way Luke figured out Leia was his sister without even knowing he had a sister or Vader realize Luke was his son without even knowing he had a son. And if she was Kylo's sister, I feel like he would have acted differently around her, less like a stranger and more like an estranged relative.
Is she Luke's daughter? This supposition I completely rejected at first and I am still hesitant to accept it. We don't know if Luke ever married or had children. I find it hard to believe Luke would abandon his daughter alone on a dusty planet like he was, only at least he had an uncle and aunt to care for him. And when the old orange lady talked to Rey, she said, "You know they aren't coming back, the only person who could come back for you is - " and then Rey finished with "Luke." That said, I think Rey and Luke most definitely have a connection and are familiar with each other, but I have a hard time believing she is his daughter - however, she might be.
Also, Kylo says that he sees water, great expansions of water, and an island. Lo and behold, when Rey goes to find Luke, where is he? On an island surrounded by water. Kylo described it as though she had been there before. Maybe she has foresight - or maybe she's been there before! Why, I don't know. But the fact that Leia - who never acted like a stranger towards Rey in the first place (first time they met in the movie, I think, was after Han had died and they hugged) - sent Rey to retrieve Luke also implies that perhaps Rey has some connection to Luke.

What I do think is that Rey may possibly have been a padawan and taken away and hidden when Kylo Ren turned evil. Therefore she would have known Luke and he could have come for her, but they aren't related. Also, when BB8 told her he came from some place secret, she said, "Oh yah, me too." Of course we take this as sarcasm, but what if it was honest sarcasm. What she was from someplace secret and she knew it. I think she knows more than we know she knows. It would also explain why she was so adept with the force so quickly.
The question of why she thought that Luke was merely a legend is a legitmate one, but as she was very young, maybe she was beginning to question what she knew.

Of course, all this is speculation. I honestly am just making educated guesses and am excited to find out how off I actually am in 2017.


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