
Friday, March 27, 2015

Patrick Henry

"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains ans slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"

Friday, March 20, 2015

Darling: Close My Eyes

One day your world will stop spinning, your foundations will crumble, and the earth will swallow you up. One day the lights will go out, the shadows will grow, and your body will melt away. And in that day, when everything becomes nothing, you will remember everything you’ve done. And you will either think, what a worthless life, or you will suddenly realize what a diamond you are. You were a diamond among diamonds, but no less worthy. You struggled under pressure and came out the stronger – but you never knew. When you close your eyes, I hope, I pray, that you will see what a treasure you were to me. I know you felt hidden by shadows. I know that when your dust blew away, you felt like I failed you. But the dust that fell was dirt to be washed, leaving the crystal clear diamond behind. I know that when you shrank and cried and felt like you would rather die, you felt as weak as a brittle twig destined to break off – but what you didn’t know is that as you let go, you became stronger and shone brighter. But the pressure was so great, the trials so hard, you closed your eyes to reason, and trudged on blind. You resolved to do what’s right, you tried to make your heart aright. You changed lives, loved the lost – but never thought to love the lost one inside yourself. But now the time is fading, now your time is coming. You lay down in your bed, alone but not alone. You think that you just flew through life without a single impact. But lives were touched and hopes mended, by the tender words of your mouth. If only you knew how many people care, those who know and those who don’t. But instead you’ll die willfully alone, never to know, the value of your life. But maybe when your life flashes before your eyes, and you realize that you have breathed your last, you will open your eyes as you close them, you’ll open your heart as it ceases to beat, and realize that you were my gem, my preciously cut gem, that I made to bite the hardest metal hearts. You will realize that though just a drop in an ocean of millions, you were mine and I guided your path to be where you needed, when every drop counted. I’m sorry you were so thirsty in life, I am sorry you were so hungry. But you refused to eat at my table, you refused to take my word. I was your God in everything but that and it breaks my heart that you never saw the beauty, the value, the success, the joy wrapped in a precious package called you. But when you come home, I’ll show you what you missed. We’ll make up for it in eternity and loving bliss. Because no words can describe my love for you, and no words can describe the pain I’ve felt at all the lies you believed. But that’s over now, you’re coming home to me, where I can show you the beauty you were always meant to see.


No, not really a quote. But I wanted to share this little piece of writing. I hope you enjoy it and maybe it will speak to you. :) God bless!

- Lynsi Keye

Friday, March 13, 2015

Victor Hugo

"A writer is a world trapped in a person."

Saturday, March 7, 2015


"If "Plan A" didn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters. Stay cool."

(found on Pinterest)